Summer Housing - OVerviewEllison Ballet provides dormitory-style housing to all accepted Summer Intensive students. Housing for the New York City programs is located on the beautiful Upper West Side of Manhattan at 850 West End. Housing for the Los Angeles programs is located at the dormitories of the McCarthy Honors Residential College at USC. Accepted students can reserve housing upon their enrollment in an Ellison Ballet summer program. Detailed information, including an extensive Housing Handbook, is sent to all students who reserve housing in late Spring. Student SupervisionEllison Ballet provides chaperones to supervise, live, and travel with the students throughout their participation in the Intensive. The chaperones are thoroughly vetted and background-checked with an extensive application process; usually they are parents of participating students. Parents will have the opportunity to select the level of supervision their child will receive during the Intensive and while traveling between studios and residence. This option will be included in the housing forms sent to those students who reserve a space in housing upon enrollment. **Please do not call housing locations directly. Contact Ellison Ballet [email protected] with any questions regarding summer housing. NYC/EBSI ONLY: If needed, Ellison Ballet can provide to accepted students upon request a comprehensive housing resource guide, which includes the names of apartment finder services, men's/women's residencies, participating university housing options, and the EBSI student/parent contact list for purposes of coordinating housing arrangements/finding roommates with other EBSI students. |